
Je recherche un Edel 4 à acheter

  • sagpeter
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09 Déc 2020 10:55 #13313 par sagpeter
Réponse de sagpeter sur le sujet Je recherche un Edel 4 à acheter
Hi ghismo, merci beaucoup!

Thanks fro the prepared links, very kind of you!

Indeed, it is tough to buy nowadays. I found one Edel 4 here, but the owner has been toying with me since months. We agreed on the price and then he backtracked. I guess his heart is aching for his beloved Edel...Anyway I keep trying.

Merci encore,

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08 Déc 2020 23:41 - 08 Déc 2020 23:42 #13312 par ghismo
Réponse de ghismo sur le sujet Je recherche un Edel 4 à acheter
Hi Peter,

You're right Edel boats are great ! Edel 4 is a very nice (yet small) boat ideal for up to 4 people, that can go everywhere.

You can have a look on those websites (the links are with e ready made search on Edel boats, so you don't need to learn french first) :)

ParuVendu :
LeBonCoin :
iNautia :
Annonce Marine :
YouBoat :
BandOfBoat :

But it looks like it's not the best time, not much boat are for sale. Probably the season + covid are to blame (plus, visits are right now not much encouraged by our government).

If you buy a boat in France you may need a trailer to bring her back home. In french it's a "remorque", so "avec remorque" is ok, "sans remorque / pas de remorque" not so :) Trailer usually makes a big difference in price.

Good luck

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08 Déc 2020 20:39 #13310 par sagpeter
Je recherche un Edel 4 à acheter a été créé par sagpeter
Bonjour a tous les Edelistes,

Je voudrais acheter un edel 4. Je suis un débutant, je vérifie 10-15 bateaux, mais pour une raison quelconque, nous sommes tombés amoureux de l'Edel 4. Où chercher des Edels à vendre? Paruvendu?

Sorry for using Google translate. I speak English/German/Hungarian but no French unfortunately.


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